LEC 3 Minute Update - August 3, 2023

Mornin’, all! I’m on top of the world! Or, really, just on top of terminal tower. It’s a fun way to spend the day and see some killer views of Cleveland! If you’re interested in purchasing tickets for this excursion, you can follow this link

Alrighty, in this week’s three minute update we have: recruitment trainings, a BALOO update, Scouting for Food, upcoming activities, popcorn updates, ACE updates, and this week’s fun fact! 

First, this coming Wednesday, August 9th, is our last live option to get all the info you need to know about recruitment and fundraising this fall! This zoom meeting will begin at 6:30 sharp. Register here to receive the zoom link, and let Michelle Cali know if you have any questions! 

Additionally, use our Membership Resources Request form to request flyers, giveaway boxes, school talks, and anything else you need for your recruitment efforts this fall. 

Additionally, the deadline for ordering Show and Sell popcorn orders is August 28th. If you have any questions about how much or what kind to order, reach out to Heather McMillan. Orders must be placed through the Trails’ End portal. If your unit has yet to register for the popcorn sale, you can do so at this link

Scouts! You can still register for our Fishing Derby, Rocket Day, Lake Erie Crushers, and the Lake County Captains overnighter. Sign up now and check the council calendar for further information! 

All: sign up for Scouting for Food at this link. Contact Michelle if you have any questions about how to participate in this amazing service project! Last year, the Council tracked over 4,000 pounds of food donated to local charities, and we want to see this grow even more this year! 

Another note about the ACE program. This is a reimbursement system for families to be able to offer more activities for their children. Scouting’s national membership fees and SOME activities DO qualify for reimbursement through ACE. You and your Scouting families should apply here to see if you’re eligible. Information about what does and doesn’t qualify is getting updated very frequently. To see the latest on ACE-eligible activities and fees, check out lecbsa.org/ace. Email Mike your questions. 

Rangemaster training is upcoming this Sunday at Firelands from 9-5. Email Julia Hearne your questions. 

Those needing BALOO training and Scoutmaster Basic Training can also register here: courses are scheduled for September and October. You can contact me with your questions! 

Additionally, the Lake Erie Council is proud to bring back in-person trainings for your positions! You can register now and send Jake any questions. Do note, there was an error previously on the registration: this is open to all leaders seeking training! You can also tell Jake if you’re interested in being a trainer for these courses. 

Also in October: Cub Haunted registration is now open! Those looking to attend can sign up now! Troop members interested in helping at Cub Haunted can contact Jess. 

Now, for this week’s fun fact: what did the walleye say to the carp at the haberdasherie? You look so so-fish-ticated in that suit! 

Oh, and speaking of Lake Erie fish, there’s an amazing service opportunity for Scouts on the weekend of October 3rd. ODNR is seeking Scouts to help clean up the shores and lands of Geneva State Park. In return, Scouts can camp on the beach! Check out this link for more information, and reach out to Jim Vanderpool for questions. Cost is $3.00 per participant, and that is for the commemorative patch. 

The FEST is also August 6 at the Center for Pastoral Leadership in Wickliffe. The Catholic Committee on Scouting is looking for Scouts and Scouters to help with Cub Scout activities and take part in the mass procession and communion, as well as volunteers to man the Scouting station for any passers-by looking to get more information! It’s a great way to recruit, and the Catholic Committee will even make sure you get some food and decent parking out the mix! Volunteers are welcome for the whole day, or just a shift: all time given is appreciated! Contact Tony for more information. 

Lastly, the St. George Trek is a chance for young people to discern their religious vocation. The next trek is in July 2024, and will take place at Philmont with other discerning youths. The Diocese of Cleveland offers two spaces for interested young people, and scholarships are available for those committed to attend. Any questions about this trek should be emailed to Jim Hickey

And that’s a wrap for this week’s three-minute update! Thanks for all you do and thanks for being you! I’ll see you next week, take care!