LEC 3 Minute Update – September 2, 2021

Mornin’, all! Welcome to the 3-ish minute update from the hardware store. But before we do anything, we have BREAKING NEWS! The Swingin’ Deal and Hot Steal of the Century, folks: The 75th Camporall is now FREE! That’s right, zero dollars and zero cents. Overnight camping, coming out for the day, DOESN’T MATTER! You’re attendance is FREE! We especially thank the Thomas Gray Foundation for their generous support and making this event the most accessible we’ve ever made it! If you’ve already paid, you can either receive a refund, or elect to leave your payment as a donation to the Council. You decide, but let Noah Boksansky know your decision via email!

Additionally, use this event to help you recruit new Scouts! Spread the word, share the news, and invite your friends/interested families/ any potential new Scouts to join us at Beaumont! People, it’s a FREE day event where you can experience all the cool stuff Beaumont has to offer. So if you don’t have a recruitment plan yet, you’ve been saved by the FREE bell! Here’s your chance to make this the recruitment event of a lifetime!

Share it on social media, include the message in with your schools, shout it from your rooftop! A better opportunity to get new families to have a taste of Scouting like this is more rare than a blue moon, so seize the chance!

Ok, getting past the breaking news, let’s jump into the news that some of you are most concerned with: the state of my hardwood floors. Why you’re interested I’m not sure, but I’ve gotten a lot of messages about them: so here’s the before, once we pulled back the carpet and linoleum. And this is the after; that’s 9 total passes of a sander, plus a coat of stain and two coats of polyurethane.

Now folks, I love simile. If you don’t know what that is, ask your high school English teacher. But these floors are like Cub Scout Packs. How, you ask?

Well, just like being a brand new leader in a Cub Scout Pack, I had no idea how to see through my vision of these floors when I started the project. But once I saw the finished product in my head, I rented the tools and searched for the information necessary to help me get it done. I had to alter plans a few times, and it took a full team to see it through: shoutout to my parents for driving up from Akron every day after work to help with this. And at the end of it all, my floors are not perfect: but they look good, and they’re something I can be proud of.

Maybe your Cub Pack, in its post-2020 state, looks and feels like my floors did in the before picture. I promise you, it’s very possible to build up your Cub program again. Find a vision of what you want your Cubs to experience, achieve, and learn, and then reach out to friends and mentors to help you build a plan to make that vision a reality. If you don’t have friend or mentors, you can also call us here at Council, and we’ll be both for you!

And of course, now, it’s also important to spread the word and invite new families to join you in seeing through that vision. And there is a lot of promise for success out there right now: Pack 3333 in Sheffield Lake and Pack 150 in Chagrin Falls have both had join nights with 20+ families registering that night. So make full use of the flyer, video, yard sign, and tchotchke request form, and share how great an impact Scouting has had on your family with as many other parents as you can!

In other news, let’s cover: Roundtable, BALOO, SM specific, the NYLT/WB Fall Fellowship, Cub Haunted, the Firelands Fall Camporee, and a wealth planning session.

First: Roundtable’s BACK! Are you excited? Well settle down there, Jethro, its just Roundtable. In-person sessions will be at Firelands and Berea at 7pm on the 8th, at Beaumont in the Augustus on the 9th, and virtually on the 22nd and 23rd. Roundtable is a supplemental training opportunity, and a great way to network with other Scouters in the area. Topics covered at all will be the same, so if you can’t make one, stop on by to another! Questions? Email Chip Reid. C3107lope@gmail.com.

BALOO training for Cub Leaders is next upcoming on the weekend of Sept. 25 and 26 at Beaumont. It’s a chance to practice living like they do in the Jungle Book! Oh, no wait, no that’s not right. It’s actually a training for how to be prepared as a Cub Leader at a Pack overnight outing. Questions should go to Rebecca Setty. Rebecca.setty@gmail.com

Similarly, SM Basic training is next upcoming from October 8-10 at Firelands. Contact Pat O’Leary with questions here. phobsa@att.net

Friendly reminder the NYLT/WB Fall Fellowship is still upcoming at Beaumont in Camp Gray on October 9th: Early Bird Registration ends tomorrow at midnight, so sign up now! Email Linda Gray with questions. Linda.gray@scouting.org.

Cub Haunted registration is open and live: check out the Council calendar for dates and details. Email Brittany with questions. Brittany.Dunne@scouting.org

There’s a fall Camporee at Firelands also Oct. 22-24 for Troops; email Lisa Shrock for questions. lmshrock@gmail.com

Lastly, this goes out to anyone involved in estate planning: we are hosting a continuing education seminar for you virtually! Check out this link for more details on sessions and dates/times. And email Todd Gaydosh your questions. 16th Annual Estate Planning Seminar (etapestry.com) Todd.Gaydosh@gmail.com.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a wrap for this 3-ish minute update! I hope you enjoy your Labor Day weekend: I know I will doing manual labor on the floors in the other rooms of my house. And until next time, Scout on!