LEC 3 Minute Update - November 17, 2022

Mornin’, all! And greetings from the inside of our Drop Box! It’s empty right now, which means there’s plenty of room for your Eagle Packets, applications that need to be turned in, and anything else you may wish to drop off at our building. It’s next to the East entrance of our building.

I bring this up because we are all gone next week, and the office is officially within “Quiet Time. Shhhh.” We look forward to seeing you all after Thanksgiving, and wish you all a great holiday.

This week, we have: Stewards of Beaumont, Recharter notes, part-time help, and Award nominations.

But first, will you be doing some Cyber Monday shopping on Amazon? Consider selecting the Boy Scouts of America as the charity it offers you the option of, and choose Cleveland, Ohio as the location. That way, Amazon will donate to your Lake Erie Council!

Silver Beaver Award, Division Award of Merit, and Unit Scouter Award Nominations are due to Paula Swiner by December 15th. Go to this link to find the application forms, fill them out as best you can, and submit them to Paula! If you have any questions, please let Scott Strawn know.

The Stewards of Beaumont will be gathering at the Unit Service Center to raise funds for property and program needs at Beaumont Scout Reservation. The meeting will be on December 6th, cost to register is $100. We look forward to seeing you there!

The Cleveland Scout Shop is still seeking part-time help. If you’re interested, please contact Paula.

A note about recharter: the recharter system will allow any Key 3 member of the unit to sign the charter. HOWEVER, it is not considered approved by our office until the COR has signed it. So please, make sure the COR signs the charter. Send any questions you have to Michelle Cali.

Lastly, we humbly ask you remember Giving Tuesday as an opportunity to support your Lake Erie Council. Your tax-deductable donation is welcomed at this link HERE

Folks, that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update. As always, thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! Now I’ve got to figure out how to get out of this box…