Mornin’, all! And thanks for tuning in to this week’s three-minute update. I’m Jake Brown, and this one’s coming to you from Lorain, Ohio! Lorain is a cool spot: it’s home to the 3 star restaurant, the Black River Landing, and the annual International Festival, among other things! Lorain is also the International City and prides itself on its diversity. If you’re driving along 2 or 6, you should definitely plan to stop by!
Ok, today in the update we have: Scout Shop Updates, Wood Badge, the Celebration of Scouting, Popcorn and Recruitment Fall Kickoffs, Syrup updates, Summer Scholar program, S’more Cub Adventures, and Cub Haunted.
But first, a friendly reminder that we are still accepting donations of medical kits to be shipped to Ukraine because, unfortunately, the war still goes on there. Please email me to receive instructions for how to make them, and any other questions you may have.
Registration for the Celebration of Scouting closes this Sunday, so make sure you register now to save your seat! Send any questions to she is back from Alaska now!
Wood Badge registration is still open, and there are still a few slots available: please register now at this link and let know if you have any questions.
The Cleveland Scout Shop will be closed this coming Monday in observance of Juneteenth. Make sure to stop by Saturday from 10-2 if your plan was to come over on Monday.
We have big news in the world of Scout’s Own Syrup: we officially have MORE syrup! Woohoo! If your unit would like to sell Scout’s Own syrup effective immediately, get in touch with to get some!
And speaking of syrup, did you know it’ll be part of this fall’s popcorn sale as well? And that both the syrup and popcorn can be sold through the Trails’ End app, starting this fall? We have lots of good updates to share with you at out fall kickoffs, where we will discuss the fall product sale in addition to sharing our best recruitment practices. We will have some resources for you as well, so make sure you register at this link to visit with us and get the real scoop on recruitment, popcorn, and syrup first-hand! You should also register your unit to sell popcorn with Trail’s End as soon as you can: sign up at this link to register for the sale.
It's also not too late to sign up for S’More Cub Adventures! Do so at this link now, and have lots of fun in the sun as a Cub Scouting family at Firelands. Send your questions.
Speaking of Cub Scouts, it’s time to mark your calendars, folks: Cub Haunted is officially the 2nd and 3rd weekends of October for 2022. AND there will also be a Cub Haunted session open to the general public on the 3rd weekend of October! Registration is live, you can register here. Send your questions.
Lastly, on November 12th, there will be a training event for adult Scouters to learn a thing or two about a thing or two. G.A.M.E.S. Training is all about having fun and building upon skills. GAMES is an acronym, by the way, that stands for getting adults more expertise in Scouting. Registration is going to be live soon, so please check out the Council calendar for details.
And that’s a wrap for this week everyone! I hope you’re staying safe and cool, and we’ll see you next week, especially if you’ll be out at Beaumont’s week 1 or the first weekend of S’More Cub Adventures!
Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you!