LEC 3 Minute Update - February 10, 2023

Mornin’, all! And welcome to this week’s three minute update. This week, we are just outside of London, England, a quick hop across the pond, at the original Gilwell Field. This is the birthplace of Wood Badge, and I’m here to get PUMPED for the upcoming Wood Badge/NYLT breakfast fundraiser, where on March 12th, we will be gathered to revel in the camaraderie and lore of the beloved course, in addition to ensure its sustainable future in the LEC by supporting the course and its participants financially. Lots of great items will be there to bid on at the auction, the food will be delicious, and we will get to sing the song again! Send Linda your questions!

In other news, we have:

Alright, in this week’s three minute we have: Sap Camp , Firelands Klondike registration, the Celebration of Scouting, NYLT registration, Blue and Gold placemat and Field Team executive requests, St. Patrick’s Day parade, this years’ Division Award of Merit recipients, and a reminder about the David C. Boyce award.

But first, I’ve got a BIG announcement that everyone needs to hear: Campership deadlines are upcoming! Unit leaders, YOU are charged with sharing this information with your units. The Lake Erie Council has camp scholarships available for those who may need financial assistance delivering the capstone experiences to their Scouts. So, please note: High Adventure Campership applications are due March 1st. Summer Camp Camperships are due April 4th. NYLT Campership Applications are due April 15th, and Wood Badge Campership applications are due June 1st. Send Phil Williams any questions you have, applications can be submitted here.

Sap Camp is upcoming at Beaumont, and it’s a little less focused on the process of syrup creation, and a little more focused on some sap-themed fun! Send Anthony your questions. Registration closes March 1st.

Does your Cub Pack have an upcoming Blue and Gold? If you want placemats and/or a professional scouters’ presence at your event, please email Michelle Cali. We are happy to provide hype through camp songs, as well as formal challenges to your Arrow of Light Scouts to continue on their Trail to Eagle. Additionally, if your Troop would like Council presence to charge your Scouts to continue on their Trail to Eagle, or congratulate them for completing it, you can make the same request for presence to Michelle!

And speaking of Eagle Scouts, a few things: Eagle Scouts from the class of 2022, your invitations to the Eagle Scout luncheon should have come in the mail. You must register to attend. If you have questions or didn’t get your invite, email Heather. Additionally you now have the opportunity to recognize an Eagle Scout by purchasing a one-eighth, one-fourth, or one-half page space in the event program! Reach out to anna.galipo@scouting.org for more information!

On March 4th, Scouters can join us at the annual Celebration of Scouting. We will present many Scouter awards, including the Division Award of Merit, which recognizes exceptional service delivered to a Program Division by a volunteer Scouter. This year, there are two recipients of the Division Award of Merit, and they are: Erin Bringman and David Komer! Congratulations, to the both of you! This is an award well-deserved indeed!

Additionally, there are awards delivered at the unit level that many Scouters are also eligible for. For example, if you’re a member of one of the new units that began last year, consider applying for the William D. Boyce new unit organizer award. Details are here. Send all award nominations to Heather.

NYLT registration is open! You may sign up here, and send Jen Folkman your questions!

Lastly, the Lake Erie Council is looking to organize a Scouting presence at this year’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Cleveland. If your unit, or even if just you, would like to be a part of the Scouts there, please email Julia!

And folks, that’s a wrap for this week’s three minute update! Thanks for all you do, and thanks for being you! See ya next week.