Adventure Camp

Adventure Camp season is here! Youth from the greater Cleveland area gathered at the unit service center to have a blast. Activities included making magical potions, launching bottle rockets, shooting bb guns, archery and reading time, among others.

Scouts who attended Adventure Camp all loved the experience. Not only did they get to participate in fun events they also made memories that will last throughout the entire summer. 

Join our Professors for a week filled with potions and spells at Magical Adventure Camp! Our students will learn how to be the best Witches and Wizards this world has ever seen! Wands and spellbooks will be your tools of the trade, so Be Prepared!

Adventure Camp is a summertime day camp program for boys and girls, from 1st grade through 6th grade, to get outside and do activities with their friends. It’s a fun and exciting camp experience! Campers spend each day with their group (or House) and visit a variety of program stations. At the end of the day they return home. It’s a place for campers to test themselves, participate in new activities, make new friends, and learn something along the way.

For more information about the remaining nine Adventure Camps, please contact Brittany Dunne.