Beaumont Merit Badge Selection is Open!

New this summer, you can now pre-select the Merit Badges and activities for each Scout attending Boy Scout Resident Camp at Beaumont! The Registration Contact can pick Merit Badges for each Scout. Alternatively, you can allow Scouts or parents to select activities by using the Parent Portal.

These selections are not final, but will give us a good idea of popularity for classes, and give you the ability to print off schedules for each Scout.

Since this is new in 2018, here are some tips to help you make selections as easily as possible:

  • Review the Merit Badge Schedule prior to selection opening. The schedule can be found in the Leader's Guide or Appendix B, both of which are on the attachments section of the registration page.
  •  Starting 8AM on Sunday, April 15th, enter your registration portal and click on the Attendess tab.
  • Click on a particular Scout to edit their schedule.
  • Scroll down to the Merit Badge selection section, and then click "Select Classes."
  • Notice the day and time of each classes, plus any pre-requisites. Click on a class in the column on the right to add it to that Scout's schedule. Click on it in the left column to remove it.
  • hoose classes until the Scout's schedule is full.
  • As you select classes for a period, only classes in the Scout's remaining open periods will be available.
  • Repeat for each Scout.

You can make changes to your Scouts' merit badges as needed, and see which classes are most popular using the Class Attendee Counts report in the Attachments section on the registration page.

ote that you can print out schedules and blue cards for your Unit as a group using the Reporting button near the top of the page, or for an individual Scout. This should help you to keep track of where your Scouts are during their week, and you can give each Scout their own schedule!

The Early Bird rate deadline is coming up! Campers must be paid in full by May 18th to receive the reduced price. Remember, you can make your payment online using a card or using your Unit's checking account with an e-check.

Questions? Here's a guide to registration, or you can contact the Camp Director at

Thank you and see you this summer!