Many donors prefer to give appreciated securities directly to the Lake Erie Council, Boy Scouts of America rather than sell them and donate their proceeds, as this allows for certain tax benefits and can help diversify your assets. If you own securities that have lost value, you can sell the stock, take the capital loss deduction, and make a gift to the Lake Erie Council.

Whether your stocks are held by yourself or are kept with a bank/broker, it is important that you notify the Lake Erie Council in advance of making a gift of securities. This will help to ensure that proper crediting and timely acknowledgement take place. For reference, the Lake Erie Council, Boy Scouts of America's taxpayer. ID number: 34-0714322.

If you have any other questions, please contact the Lake Erie Council's development department here:

Lake Erie Council, BSA
P.O. BOX 93388
CLEVELAND, OHIO 44101-5388

Karen Viveros