Wood Badge

Wood Badge at Firelands Scout Reservation

Leaders, have you ever gone to summer camp with your Scouts and discovered you were jealous of all the fun they were having? Have you ever wanted to go back to a camp just for you? Now's your chance! Wood Badge is an advanced, national leadership course open only to Scouting volunteers and professionals.

Spanning between two weekends, theWood Badge Course and the training you will receive allows you to build stronger Scouting units, give you a deeper understanding of what Scouting is and why we do it. Throughout the course, you will learn stages of team development, coaching and mentoring skills, servant leadership, you will be given the opportunity to work with Scouters from across the council, and much more.

Not only will you leave the course with more experience, valuable lessons, and lasting memories, but if two adults from your Unit or Charter Organization attend this summer, you will also earn a free cabin rental at any of our three camp properties!

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