Bud Ford

The Lake Erie Council lost a dear friend today. Charles “Bud” Ford

The Lake Erie Council lost a dear friend today. Charles “Bud” Ford was a member of our Scouting family since 1967 when he joined Pack 620 at Gesu Church. In all, Bud gave 61 years (52 in Cleveland) of his life to change young lives through the Scouting program. He was a servant leader, a mentor, and a trusted friend. We will miss his boundless energy, his passion, and friendship.

In Bud’s own words,
“Using the Scout Oath and Law as guidelines, I managed to apply those moral and ethical principles to my work and my relationships with others. That brought trust and respect from those with whom I associated.”
“Being an Eagle Scout meant that I wanted to give back to the Scouting movement as an adult leader. I think my enthusiasm for the Scouting program has helped many young men have fun while learning the importance of setting goals and accomplishing them. The increased emphasis on boy-run troops has helped more young men learn how to plan a strong and active program and then put it into action with their newly acquired leadership skills.”
As a Distinguished Eagle Scout, Bud’s list of Scouts achievements is truly impressive. Click here to read. We salute and honor Bud’s Scouting legacy.

Funeral arrangements will be posted when finalized.