State of Scouting

Dear Lake Erie Council Scouters,

“Our future is not something we enter; our future is something we create.”

Since we became a new council, nearly five years ago, this mantra has been front and center. Today, it is more important than ever as we work through some incredibly tough times in the history of our movement. As we begin to wind down our very successful summer camping season and gear up for a busy fall, amidst the ongoing backdrop of the national reorganization and the unpredictable Covid virus, I believe it to be prudent that we gather together to share some information on how these and other forces are affecting Scouting (both challenges and successes) here in our Lake Erie Council.

Specifically, (if not disclosed before due to timing with the case) we will share information surrounding the national reorganization, the “global” settlement and Lake Erie Council’s portion. We will also discuss the status of membership nationally and locally, as well as some needed adjustments and additions we have made to the council staff to address these trends. These are just some of the topics that I want to update you on. While this meeting is being called on short notice, I urge you to make every effort to attend and be well informed on a variety of items.

Make no mistake, this meeting is not about the demise of Scouting. On the contrary, the goal is to empower each participant and lay out how each of us will play a critical role in creating the new future of Scouting.

Who should attend? All adults who care about Scouting, especially parents and leaders at the unit level.

August 17, 2021

6:30- 8:30 pm

Lakewood Civic Auditorium

14100 Franklin Blvd, Lakewood, OH 44107

Registration in advance is important for proper preparation. Please register by clicking HERE. Uniform is optional.

Due to the recent rises in Covid and our strong desire to protect our Scouting community, we will be requiring masks for this indoor event. In addition, due to the nature of some of the topics, we unfortunately will not be broadcasting, streaming or recording and disseminating the entire event. However, we will be sending follow-up communication with many of the topics and resources we discuss.

Again, I hope you will make the time to attend. Please share this information with Scouters in your network. I look forward to seeing you on the 17th.

Yours in Scouting,

Marc J. Ryan

Scout Executive