BSA Insurance

The safety of our youth, volunteers, staff, and employees is the most important part of the Scouting experience and continues to be our number one priority. For the past several years, insurance costs have been subsidized in the general operating budget at one dollar ($1) per registered member and leader (approximately $14,000) versus annual insurance costs in excess of $150,000 dollars. Just as you may have experienced with your own health, auto and property insurance, our insurance costs continue to rise.

Lake Erie Council continues to seek and bid for the best insurance rates; however, Scouting has seen increased costs to protect our most valuable assets, our Scouts! Because of this, the Lake Erie Council can no longer continue to subsidize these costs and remain fiscally strong and relevant. In the 2019-2020 chartering cycle, insurance premiums will be one dollar ($1) per month per registered Scouter to equal an annual fee of $12.