Council Impact Meetings

Dear LEC Scouting Family,

It has been some time since I reached out directly to the overall LEC family. Perhaps too long. As we quickly close in on the two-year anniversary of our existence, there is so much we can and should be proud of here in the Lake Erie Council. As one of the newest councils in the BSA, we continue to challenge norms and long-held “traditions” all in the search for answers on how we can better serve and connect with today’s families and provide meaningful and needed solutions to the community. That said, significant work remains to achieve our full potential. Specifically, efforts in rebuilding our infrastructure, volunteer and staff, to emphasize the critical importance of placing our “units at the center” are not yet where they need to be to reach the impact they were intended to deliver.

Perhaps one of the great things we’ve accomplished is that everyone agrees that change was and is necessary. However, change is never easy. We knew that as we left the docks, but it is undoubtedly time that those who are ready and willing to move to the front of the boat do, so we, can begin to focus on our new horizon. Our new unit-based structure, known as the Unit Service, Tools and Program Model, has not yet found its footing. Confusion remains. Frustration rears its head from time-to-time. While unfortunate, I am confident that some level of confusion and frustration often comes along when changing/attempting to improve a 108-year-old model. One thing remains certain, we are all in the same boat and there are well over 12,000 young people and 500 units that are counting on us to row together.

On April 1, 2016, we held our first Scouter’s Summit. Today I am pleased to announce the next iteration of that meeting.  The Council Impact Meetings will begin with a series of three dates over the coming six months designed to accelerate the execution of the new model and deliver tangible resources to our units as they prepare to plan their 2019-2020 Ideal Year of Scouting. At the end of the 3 meetings, a regular Council Impact Meeting schedule will be released. ALL SCOUTERS ARE INVITED AND ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND.

Disclaimer: With a council as large as ours and with as many activities already on the calendar, a conflict or two is generally likely. I have worked diligently to limit potential conflicts to the best of my ability.

Council Impact Meeting # 1

Saturday, December 8, 2018

8:30 am – 12:30 pm

Continental breakfast included: pastries, fruit, juice & coffee

RSVP required - Click

Rocky River United Methodist Church; 19414 Detroit Rd, Rocky River, OH 44116

Desired Outcomes:

  • Clarify and finalize Unit Service, Tools and Program Model 

  • Introduce and determine who does what 

  • Assign key tasks to be completed by the next meeting (2/16) including Golden Circle Exercises and full staffing of teams 

  • Order of The Arrow Presentation- State of the Lodge Address to the Council 

  • Introduce 2019 Giving in Partnership Campaign (formerly known as Friends of Scouting)- seek participation from staff and volunteers 

  • Membership Update - What is our new makeup and what does the future hold? 

  • Engage in discussion and feedback 

  • Seek significant buy-in and develop a strong and prideful partnership between staff and volunteers 

Council Impact Meeting # 2

Saturday, February 16, 2019

8:30 am – 12:30 pm

Continental breakfast included: pastries, fruit, juice & coffee

RSVP required - Click

Location to be announced at December 8th meeting

Desired Outcomes:

  • Updates and deliverables on key tasks assigned from last meeting (12/8) 

  • Assign key tasks to be completed by next meeting (4/6) including completing Aug. 2019 - Sept. 1, 2020 calendar process and building the Unit Resource Workshops 

  • 2018 year review?

  • Update on 2019 Giving in Partnership Campaign 

  • LEC Camping Presentation - The summer of 2019! 

  • Unit Funding - Scouts Own Maple Syrup launch 

  • Scouts BSA - an update on new endeavors 

  • Engage in discussion and feedback 

  • Continue to build strong buy-in and develop a strong and prideful partnership between staff and volunteers 

Council Impact Meeting # 3

Saturday, April 6, 2019 (2 years since our first summit)

8:30 am – 12:30 pm

Continental breakfast included: pastries, fruit, juice & coffee

RSVP required - Click

Location to be announced at or before February 16th meeting

Desired Outcomes:

  • Updates and deliverables on key tasks assigned from last meeting (2/16) 

  • Aug. 2019 - Sept. 1, 2020 calendar launched

  • Unit Resource Workshops plans finalized

  • Update on 2019 Giving in Partnership Campaign 

  • Unit funding - Popcorn plan launch 

  • Future schedule launched for Council Impact Meetings (these) 

  • Engage in discussion and feedback 

  • Solidify the needed strong buy-in and galvanize a solid and prideful partnership between staff and volunteers 

As I hope you can see, the plan is to lay out and execute on an aggressive timeline. Related, at the end of this series of meetings, our council will be well positioned to effectively deliver the critical support and resources our units need to plan their 2019-2020 adventures.  

I’ve longed believed in the adage that all of us are smarter than any or some of us. I’ve also long known that Scouters can and will accomplish anything they set their mind to. We are on the right path. I believe that with every grain of my existence. I am honored to serve alongside you in the world’s best valued based youth movement! Let’s stick together and be ever mindful that the things that unite us will always be stronger and more important than anything that could possibly divide us!

Thanks for all that you’ve done to get us to this point and all that we will do together to move us forward!

Yours in service to youth and families,

Marc J. Ryan

Scout Executive / CEO

Lake Erie Council, Boy Scouts of America